We provide Effective, Economical Solutions!
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Foundation Replacement
Heavy duty concrete footings installed, new concrete block walls & new foundation wall to support the home.

Wall Channel Drain System
No jackhammers! No trenching! No digging! No hauling buckets of mud!
Interior baseboard system designed to collect water seepage entering the basement through the joint where the floor and walls meet.
Our team of specialists can take care of both moisture and mold so only have to go through mold removal once.
From mold removal to foundation and seepage issues we can help!

Services & Solutions
Wood Rot Structural Repairs
Solutions for Structural IntegritySolutions for Structural Integrity
Wood rot from pests and moisture are common problems in our area. Signature Seepage Control specializes in restoring the structural integrity of your home with reinforcing and replacement of damaged wood support beams, sill plates, and floor joists.
Floor Leveling & Reinforcement
Solutions for Uneven FloorsSolutions for Uneven Floors
Whether from poor construction designs, excessive loading, or foundation and framing deficiencies; Signature Seepage Control will hydraulically raise the settled floor and correct the problem with a lifetime workmanship warranty. We hydraulically raise / temporarily support the residence; and complete the installation of new structural components.
Chimney Masonry Repairs & Sealing
Solutions for Seepage ControlSolutions for Damaged Chimney
Often overlooked as a source of seepage creating substantial wood rot problems. Signature Seepage Control provides complete brick and stone chimney restorations, including sealing with heavy duty commercial grade sealers to seal your chimney from water intrusions.
Foundation Tuck-Pointing
Solutions for Masonry JointsSolutions for Masonry Joints
Tuck-pointing is most often the first important and most economical step to a dry basement. Signature Seepage Control’s masons strengthen and seal the foundation’s masonry joints with high strength mortars after removal / grinding of the deteriorated masonry joints.
Downspout Extentions
Solutions for Water FlowSolutions for Water Flow
Downspout extensions control the flow of water away from the foundation walls and reduce soil saturation and /or seepage. Signature Seepage Control will install downspout extensions and drain lines or swales when we eliminate your basement’s seepage problems.
Damp Proofing
Solutions for Seepage ControlSolutions for Seepage Control
Damp Proofing is for seepage control from the exterior of walls. After tuck-pointing, Signature Seepage Control applies rubberized coatings on the exterior of your foundation ensuring a dry basement envelope with no further seepage through to your foundation walls.
Wall Straightening
Solutions for Foundation WallsSolutions for Foundation Walls
For a leaning or bowed foundation wall condition where structural integrity has been significantly reduced. Signature Seepage Control will straighten the failing foundation walls and install heavy duty steel beams with reinforced concrete to ensure your home is supported by a stabilized leak proof foundation wall.
Grading & Window Wells
Solutions for Drainage IssuesSolutions for Drainage Issues
A common economical solution for seepage control and drainage. This is the single most common cause contributing to foundation seepages. Our experts will analyze the elevations and flows of water surrounding your home and implement solutions to provide proper drainage to eliminate the water seeping into your basement.
Wall Reinforcing
Solutions for Foundation WallsSolutions for Foundation Walls
For cracked or weak masonry foundation walls. After repairing the failing masonry joints with high strength mortar, Signature Seepage Control reinforces your home’s foundation walls with heavy duty steel beams that are installed to assure your walls will provide the structural support needed to fully support your home.
Construction Joint Sealing
Solutions for Soil SaturationSolutions for Soil Saturation
Seepage and freeze-thaw damage from soil saturation are common problems beneath the concrete adjoining your home. Water entering construction joints in the concrete adjoining your foundation can allow seepage into your home and damage the concrete. Our experts can permanently seal the problem joints against water penetration economically with our flexible sealers.
Wall Replacement
Solutions for Severe DamageSolutions for Severe Damage
Only required for severely damaged foundations when complete failure has occurred due to, water seepage, soil saturation, subgrade conditions, concrete footing failure, or improper original construction. Signature Seepage Control is an experienced expert in lifting your home and replacing any foundation wall, without damaging your home.
Exterior Drain Tile
Solutions for Basement Wall SeepageSolutions for Basement Wall Seepage
Exterior drain tiles are put into place to eliminate basement wall seepage. Signature Seepage Control will install the exterior drain tile and interior sump pump to provide for the removal of water along the base of the foundation wall and concrete footing. The drain tile will provide for the drainage of any water against your exterior foundation walls, versus seeping into your basement.
Brick Veneer Tuck-Pointing
Solutions for Water InfiltrationSolutions for Water Infiltration
Water infiltration from your exterior brick veneering is a frequent seepage problem. Signature Seepage Control’s masons will correct any voids or cracks within the masonry utilizing high strength mortars where water penetration is possible.
Concrete Crack Injections-Walls & Floors
Solutions to Permanently Seal CracksSolutions to Permanently Seal Cracks
For economical seepage elimination from the interior of the foundation wall in order to permanently seal cracks. Cracks are lifetime guaranteed to be sealed from water penetration economically.
Basement Egress Windows
Solutions for Emergency EscapeSolutions for Emergency Escape
Installed in existing basement’s concrete or block walls to provide a lifesaving egress point; meeting and exceeding Building Code requirements. Optional interior refinishing and repairs to the residence’s interior are completed by Signature’s craftsmen.
Interior Drain Tile
Solutions for Floor SeepageSolutions for Floor Seepage
To eliminate floor seepage and control basement wall seepage problems. Signature Seepage Control will install the drain tile and sump pump to evacuate the water from beneath your basement floor. Removal of the water beneath the basement floor will provide a new pathway for any water seeping through your foundation walls to be collected and removed, versus seeping onto your basement floor.
Window Sealing Solid Glass Block Windows
Solutions to Storm FloodingSolutions for Storm Flooding
To eliminate storm flooding and provide additional security. Signature Seepage Control will remove your existing wood or metal framed basement window and install a solid glass block with high strength mortar to ensure no flood water can enter your basement through the window frame. Existing windows in good condition can often be permanently sealed at the perimeter with high performance sealants to stop water infiltration.
Concrete Replacement
Solutions for Controlling SeepageSolutions for Controlling Seepage
To control seepage through your foundation’s walls. Proper drainage slopes are designed and installed by Signature Seepage Control to minimize water saturation of the soils adjoining the foundation walls. Basement seepage is often due to failed or improper slopes of the concrete adjoining your foundation.
Serving Homeowners in Lake, Porter & LaPorte Counties, Indiana
Lake County, Indiana:
Cedar Lake, Crown Point, Dyer, East Chicago, Gary, Glen Park, Griffith, Hammond, Hessville, Highland, Hobart, Indiana Harbor, Lake Dalecarlia, Lake Station, Lakes of the Four Seasons, Merrillville, Miller, New Chicago, Robertsdale, Schererville, Tolleston, and Whiting.

LaPorte County, Indiana:
Kingsbury, Kingsford Heights, LaCrosse, Long Beach, LaPorte, Michigan City, Pottawattomie Park, Trail Creek, Union Mills, Wanatah and Westville.
Porter County, Indiana:
Aberdeen, Beverly Shores, Burns Harbor, Chesterton, Dunes Acres, Hebron, Kouts, Lakes of the Four Seasons, Malden, Ogden Dunes, Portage, Porter, Shorewood Forest, South Haven, Town of Pines, Valparaiso, and Wheeler.